Teaching / Õppetöö

NSO8055 Okeanograafiline prognoos Õppeaine koduleht TTÜ ÕIS

Võrtsjärve operatiivne prognoos 2017 II, Google Classroom course, 97uhcy

NSO8046 Looduslike veekogude modelleerimine TTÜ ÕIS

Some practices of using GETM. Slaidid .
Diffusioonvõrrandi lahendamine numbriliselt Slaidid , Online octave .

Links to other learning resources



  • The numerics of hydrostatic structured-grid coastal ocean models: state of the art and future perspectives, Klingbeil et al. (2018) . Link , Link2 .


    Julia - scientific computation language .
    Scilab - Open source software for numerical computation .
    NetCDF toolbox for scilab .
    Octave scripts in web .
    Drive sheet with Taylor expansion of x^4 .

    prof. Jüri Elken

    Teaching materials and courses

    prof. Robert D. Hetland

    Teaching materials and courses. Python courses ( Git) and other links to other books & publications.

    P. Berloff

    GFD course materials

    MIT modelling group

    They tend to upload interesting hands-on stuff. Explore.

    MIT tank experiments
    http://www-paoc.mit.edu/12307/experiments.htm#top Eddy and mean flow interaction http://eddies.mit.edu/~glenn/12.820/turb/2012/LectureNotes/EddyMean.pdf